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Attendance Procedures


According to California compulsory education laws, students ages 6-18 are to attend school.  Parents are therefore required to notify the school, following a student’s absence. To have a student’s absence excused, parents need to send a written note to the teacher within 72 hours following the student’s return to school, respond to absence notification on Parent Square, or call the attendance line at 682-8000 x85404. Only medical reasons are excused.

When you are calling in an absence for a student, please:

  • State the student’s full name, and please spell their last name.
  • State the student’s grade, teacher and room number.
  • State the reason for the absence. For example, fever, cold, doctor, dentist or appointment, or out of town.
  • Please mention the date(s) of the absence(s).
  • Finally, state the name and relationship of the person calling in the absence for the student.


Children need to line up on the blacktop (designated classroom spots) starting at 7:55am. Students must be in their seats in their classrooms by 8:00am. Students arriving on campus after 8:10 a.m. must report directly to the school office for a tardy pass.


Short-term independent study programs (3-10 days) are available to students and parents when family plans require a student to be absent for a minimum of five school days. Teachers will provide alternative assignments for students to be completed during the absence.  A written agreement is needed for the independent study program.  Teachers need to have at least two weeks notice to prepare the work for the student. The maximum number of independent study days per student per school year is 14.

Please Note: Excessive absences and tardies will lead to a student’s attendance review team meeting by the school and district.