Did You Know?
Parents of students with unexcused and/or excessive absences/tardies will receive a letter in the mail alerting them to the situation. Excessive and unexcused absences, truancies and tardies can lead to a Wren Avenue SART (School Attendance and Review Team) and eventually the MDUSD School Attendance and Review Board. Chronic attendance issues can lead to a referral to the District Attorney for prosecution of the parent.
Students absent for 10% or more of a school year will be required to provide a doctor's note to clear absences that occur after notification to the families of their students' attendance status.
Attendance Information
It is important that all students come to school on time and ready to learn. When a student misses school, he/she misses valuable learning time that cannot be replicated on paper. The following are ways parents can help students achieve excellent attendance.
Understand that absences from school are detrimental to student learning.
Know that students miss learning opportunities that cannot be replaced.
Expect your son/ daughter to attend school on a regular basis
Get the cooperation of doctors, dentists, and other professionals in scheduling appointments after school hours.
Emphasize that good attendance prepares students for higher levels of education and career.
If problems arise with attendance, work with school officials to resolve it.
Get an independent study contract from the school Office for absences of 5-14 days.
Plan family vacations during school break.
The state of California requires that all absences be verified. The only reasons for excused absences are as follows:
Student illness
Medical or dental appointments
Death in the immediate family
Religious holidays
Early Pick Up
Please try to schedule all appointments for after school hours, so children do not miss any school. Parents are requested to send a note to their child's teacher if it is necessary to leave school before dismissal time. Parents must come to the Office and sign out of school. The Office will then call the classroom and ask the teacher to send the child to the Office. Teachers may not release students to parents prior to them being signed out in the Office or at the classroom door prior to dismissal. For your child’s protection, it is our policy not to release your child to anyone other than the parent, guardian, or emergency contact. The Office staff will request to see identification if they do not recognize you.
Field Trips
Classes going on field trips tend to have students that do not want to go or the parent does not want them to attend. Students are still required to be at school. If the majority of the students attend the field trip, the remainder will be split into other classes. If only a hand full of students attend, the remainder of the class will have a substitute teacher.
Late Drop Off
Being on time is a very important life skill. Students who are late disrupt their own education as well as the education for all other students in the class. Being on time is being RESPONSIBLE.
Students are expected to be in class ready to learn at 8:00 AM. Instruction begins promptly at 8:00 am. Any student arriving after 8:30 AM must come to the Office to get a tardy pass before going to class. Please be advised that multiple tardies can lead to attendance consequences via SARB.
Medical Information
If your student has any allergies, please make sure the office is aware of the allergy.
If your student needs special meal accommodations. Please complete the "Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations" Form. This form does need to be completed by a doctor as well.
If your student has a food allergy that could lead to anaphylaxis, please complete the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan form. This form does need to be completed by a doctor as well.
If your student has asthma, please make sure the school is aware of the asthma and complete the School Asthma Record form so the school staff know what to watch for with your student. This form does need to be signed by the doctor.
If your child needs an inhaler at school (whether it is kept in the office or with the student) an Authorization to Administer Medication During School Hours form is necessary. This form does need to be completed by a doctor.
Exposure Notices
Some illnesses require the school to send home exposure notices. If your student has any of these illnesses or other contagious illnesses, please let the office know as soon as possible so we can send the exposure notices home to alert other parents to watch for symptoms. Those illnesses are:
Fifth's Disease or Slapped Cheek (Erythema Infectiosum)
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Coxsackie Virus)
Pinworm (Enterobius Vermicularis)
Ringworm (Tinea Capis, Tinea Corporis)
Streptococcal Infections (Bacterial) Strep Throat or Scarlet Fever
Administration of Medication
“The administration of medication (prescription and/or non prescription medications) to students during school hours may be done in exceptional circumstances where-in the child’s health may be jeopardized without it. A district authorization form must be submitted annually to the school which has been signed by their health care provider and the parents/guardians. It must also be approved by the school principal.
All medication must be provided in the original container with labels listing the student’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage, and the time it is to be administered.
Students may not carry any medication without consent from their healthcare provider, parents/guardians and the principal. All medications carried by students without consent will be confiscated and held for parents/guardians. Parents/guardians will be notified in a timely manner if such a circumstance occurs. Under no circumstances may school personnel provide aspirin or any other patent medicine to students without a completed authorization form.”
Please remember, if school staff is unaware of your child taking a medication at school and the student has a negative reaction, the school staff may not be able to help properly due to lack of information.
Authorization to Administer Medication During School Hours Form
School Safety
Emergency Drills
Why are emergency drills important?
Well-planned safety drills enhance children's knowledge and execution in emergency responses. It also builds their resilience and coordination. A drill is a test that improves school response planning and risk reduction.
The International ShakeOut Day, every third Thursday of October, is a day of individual and community events featuring the largest earthquake drill ever, organized to inspire others to get ready for big earthquakes, and to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes. What we do to prepare now, before the next big earthquake, will determine how well we can survive and recover. ShakeOut will occur in houses, workplaces, schools, and public spaces on October 19, 2023. You can also hold your drill on any other day of the year.
Register at ShakeOut.org/register to involve your family or organization. You will receive information on how to prepare for earthquakes and what actions to take during and after the shaking, as well as other ShakeOut news and updates. You can also see who else is participating in your community at ShakeOut.org/whoisparticipating.
Each year, the CAER Outreach Team organizes a countywide Shelter in Place Drill to ensure that children and teachers throughout the County know about the Community Warning System (CWS) and how to Shelter in Place in the event of a chemical related emergency. The School Drill is a voluntary event that allows schools and daycares across the County to rehearse how they would Shelter in Place at their site.
The drill takes place on the first Wednesday in November to coincide with the testing of the CWS sirens, which takes place at approximately 11am. Although not all schools and daycares can hear the nearest CWS siren, participants are asked to start their drill at approx. 11am
This year our drills are scheduled for the following dates, however these dates may change due to the daily circumstances.
Fire Drills (Required once per month): August 15, 2023, September 12, 2023, October 19, 2023, November 14, 2023, December 12, 2023, January 16, 2024, February 13, 2024, March 12, 2024, April 16, 2024, May 14, 2024, June 11, 2024, and July 23, 2024.
Earthquake Drills (Required once per quarter): August 15, 2023, October 19, 2023, January 16, 2024, and April 16, 2024.
Intruder Drills (Required once per semester): September 12, 2023 and February 23, 2024.
Shelter-In-Place (Required once per school year): November 1, 2023
Student Apparel
Wren Avenue is a school where children are safe and learning is the most important part of being at school. Clothing should be suitable for physical education and other play activities. Attire should be neat and clean. Parents are kindly requested to also follow the school dress code. It communicates respect for the learning environment.
Restrictions on freedom of student dress will be imposed by school staff members if the mode of dress is unsafe, disruptive, or contrary to law. We want our school to have a friendly, inviting climate while also fostering a respect for learning.
The following are inappropriate and or unsafe, and should not be worn at school:
Hats, hoods, or sunglasses indoors
Bandanas, chains, or hanging belts
Bare midriffs, tube tops, spaghetti straps, strapless tops or, cropped tops
Pajamas (unless a school sponsored activity)
Short shorts (shorts should be equal to the length of the longest fingertip just above the knee)
Sagging pants
Backless shoes, wheels, high heels, cleats, flip flops, or slippers – (Shoes need to be appropriate for recess and physical education.)
Clothing or accessories with inappropriate or disrespectful sayings (ads for alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sexual innuendos, or content that is hostile or disparaging to a particular group)
Gang related attire
Make up
Remember – we go outside every day (unless it is raining.) It is important to wear jackets/sweaters when the weather is cold.
Lost and Found
CLOTHING: Students who have lost any clothing can look on the fence between the office and the cafeteria. The sweaters and jackets will be hung up on the fence.
LUNCHBOXES: Students who have lost any lunchboxes, containers for lunch, or water bottles can look on the bench between the office and room 1 for them.
OTHER ITEMS: Items such as glasses, keys, jewelry, phones, etc are turned into the office. Students may check with the office staff for those items.
Traffic Safety
Safety is important!
Please follow traffic rules, directions from staff and volunteers, the flow of traffic, and park ONLY in designated areas. This will help ensure the safety of our students.
Please use patience and be courteous to others.
There is no left turn in or out of the drive-thru.
Please do not make U-turns in the crosswalk.
Please do not walk in the drive-thru, again this is a safety issue.
All visitors, including parents, must register in the Office and obtain a visitor badge. A visitor is any individual who is not a member of the staff. Parents need a pass before going to a classroom or out on the school yard. Please do not drop by a classroom unannounced; this interrupts instructional time. For the safety of all our students and staff, it is imperative that we know who is on campus at all times. Visitors must also sign out when leaving campus. Siblings are not allowed in classes during the school day. Children who do not attend the school are not allowed to be in the classrooms.
For the safety of all our students and staff, it is imperative that we know who is on campus at all times. If there is a true emergency we need to know who is on campus so we can check on their safety and wellbeing.
If you are signing a student out early, a visitor must go directly to the office to sign the student out, then the office staff will call for the student to come to the office. Visitors should not go to the classrooms during school hours without prior permission and signing in at the office.
At Wren Avenue Elementary: School of the Arts, we work together as a community to enhance each child's educational experience. We appreciate parents coming into the classroom to help individual students, lead an activity with a small group of children, or assist with a whole-class activity. Together Everyone Achieves More!
How can you help?
- Complete tasks for teachers as needed.
- Help in the office with minor tasks.
- Help coordinate fundraising
- Offer thank yous to teachers during the school year and Teacher Appreciation Week.
- Help tally reading minutes and distribute free books for the Wren Reader program.
- Help students in the cafeteria
- Take pictures at school events and help organize photos for the yearbook. Help at special events/family nights by managing tables, snacks, drinks, and booths.
- Assist with drop-off before and pick-up after school
- Supervision during recesses
- Attend field trips
District Requirements
The district requires all volunteers to:
- Be fingerprinted, including a background check
- Show current valid I.D.,
- submit a TB test to the district office. (TB expires every 4 years and must be renewed.)
Please see "Volunteer Instructions" for more information.
Helpful Links
Aeries Student Information System
We would like to invite you again to join Homelink. Joining Homelink would be helpful to you and the school staff. We’ve attached the letter that includes your students permanent ID number and verification code, and steps on how to create your Homelink account.
What is Homelink?
Homelink is your access portal to Aeries, the database the district uses for all students. With your Homelink account you can access your students: gradebook, visuals on student performance, weekly progress report email signups, ability to check student attendance, access to state test scores, update emergency contacts and their contact information, and update the school authorizations.
Please sign up and complete the steps to fully create your account. We would greatly appreciate your cooperation with this process.