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ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee)

What is ELAC?

English Learner Advisory Committee

Parents of English Learners are welcome to join the committee to collaborate and advise the principal and staff on how to best help our EL students.

  • It is a means for receiving training.
  • It is a means for receiving information on programs and their effectiveness.
  • It is a way for parents to participate in their child's school. 
  • It is a way to become aware of overall student academic progress.
  • It is a place to ask key questions regarding educational themes. 


English Language Learners



Proud to be a Title I school


What is DELAC?

District English Learner Advisory Committee

Check the MDUSD district website for more information about DELAC!


Children circling the globe


Meeting Dates

Meetings have not yet been scheduled for the 2023-2024 school year.

To be determined