Title I
Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy
Wren Avenue Elementary School has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents. Parents have been able to share input via the Title I meeting, School Site Council, PTA, and ELAC. It has distributed the policy to parents of Title I students. Wren Avenue Elementary School’s policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements.
1. Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program
a) Wren Avenue Elementary School does the following: Convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students of Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program
- Annual meeting power points review test scores and share plans for improvement.
- Sanction requirements are explained at meetings
- Opportunities to discuss school improvement plans
- Invitation to become involved in Site Council, ELAC or PTA.
- Meeting is held in two languages
- Communication is in two languages
- School messenger
- Personal invites
- Title I formal meetings
- Parent Liaison
- Letters home
- Conduct meetings before Open House or Back-To-School Night
- Conduct meetings during the school day and evenings
b) Offers a flexible number of meetings
- Afternoon Site Council meetings
- Evening PTA general meetings
- Morning ELAC meetings
- Family entertainment nights
- Back-to-School Night
- Annual Title 1 Meeting
- Parent workshops
- Kindergarten Preview Day
- SST meetings
- 504 meetings
- IEP meetings
- Newsletters
- School signage
- Dual language coffee and talk opportunities—Coffee and Canvas monthly meetings
- Translators provided at safety committee meetings along with translated materials
c) Involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy
- Parent meetings where parents gather in small groups to give input about the improvement of instructional programs (ELAC, SSC, PTA)
- Parent involvement nights to elicit ideas about ways to match parent strengths with needs of the school
- Site council discussion about test results and instructional programs
- SSC meetings to review and monitor the SPSA
- ELAC meetings to give input on the EL Program
- Teacher presentations about standards and expectations
- Training in district adopted materials
- Training in technology programs
- Orientation
- Pre-kindergarten orientation
- Summer School
d) Provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs
- Monthly newsletters
- School messenger
- Contact in dual languages
- Signage in front of the school
- Newsletter
- Websites
- Parent Liaison
- ELAC reminders
- Back-to-school night presentations
- Title I Parent Night
- Available information online via the school’s website
e) Provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet
- Parent meetings
- Report cards in dual languages
- Back-to-school night
- Open House
- Parent conferences
- IEP meetings
- SST meetings
- CELDT testing
- Test results
- Textbooks
- Send home information on curriculum and assessments in English and in Spanish
- Include information in the monthly parent newsletter
- Available information online via the school’s website
f) Provides parents of Title I students, if requested, with opportunities for regular meetings to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children
- School Site Council -- monthly
- ELAC meetings -- monthly
- Back-to-School Night
- Open House
- Parent Teacher conferences
- Title I parent night
- Family literacy / Math interventions / Academic evenings
- PTA general meetings – monthly
- IEP meetings
- SST meetings
2. School-Parent Compact Wren Avenue Elementary School has jointly developed with and distributed to parents of Title I students a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. It also describes how the school and parents will develop a partnership to help children reach proficiency on the California content standards. The school-parent compact describes the following items in addition to items added by parents of Title I students:
The school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction.
The parents’ responsibility to support their children’s learning.
The importance of ongoing communication between parents and teachers through, at least, annual conferences, reports on student progress, access to staff, and opportunities to volunteer and participate in and observe the educational program.
3. Building Capacity for Involvement
a) Wren Avenue Elementary School engages Title I parents in meaningful interactions with the school. It supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement. To help reach these goals, the school does the following: Assists Title I parents in understanding academic content standards, assessments, and how to monitor and improve the achievement of their children.
- School Site Council meetings: review school data used by teachers
- Back-to-School Night: Pass out copies of grade level standards and present latest assessment results
- Parent workshops: addressing the topic of how to help your students with homework
- Back-to-School and Open House
- Afterschool interventions
- Parent Conferences
- Principal’s newsletter
- Classroom newsletter
- Website teacher pages and links
- Website school information
- Title I Parent meeting
- ELAC meetings
- Magnet informational meetings
- Summer School
b) Provides materials and training to help Title I parents work with their children to improve their children's achievement.
- Partnership with Adult Education
- Academic nights to teach parents how to develop literacy in the home and explore other subject areas
- Family math nights
- Parent workshops with a translator provided
- All materials sent home translated into Spanish
- Providing translators for all meetings, back to school night, parent teacher conferences
- Parent education classes – will explore adding additional
- Magnet showcase nights
- Coffee and Canvas meetings
c) Educates staff, with the assistance of Title I parents, in the value of parent contributions and how to work with parents as equal partners.
- ELAC for parents. Both present at faculty meetings with regard to what is happening
- Guest speakers to address parent needs and concerns
- SSC meetings
- Title I Parent Night
- PTA general meetings
- School wide events
- Incorporate trainings for staff that include ways to communicate with parents
- Invite teachers to present at parent workshops and meetings
- Provide readings to staff on how to improve parent communication
- Magnet showcase nights
d) Coordinates and integrates the Title I parental involvement program with other programs and conducts other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
- ELAC meetings
- Adult ESL Literacy classes
- Home visits
- Parent Ed Workshops
- PTA general meetings
- Classroom volunteerism
- Parent nights and conferences
- School Site Council meetings
e) Distributes to Title I parents information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities in a form and language that the parents understand.
- All correspondence in dual language
o Standards based report cards
o Report cards /progress reports
o Assessment results o newsletters
- Newsletter – monthly
o Schoolwide and classroom
- Parent/Teacher/Student Compact
- School messenger
- Website
- Marquee
- Field trip permission forms
f) Provides support for parental involvement activities requested by Title I parents.
- All communication provided in English and Spanish
- Bilingual parent community liaison
- Parent Education Workshops
o Family Literacy/Numeracy nights
o CELDT Family Night
o Bilingual translators for parent conferencing
o Parenting classes Bilingual
o Parent Education classes
o Technology training
o Training in the standards and expectations from grade to grade
4. Accessibility
a) Wren Avenue Elementary School provides opportunities for all Title I parents to participate, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. This includes providing information and school reports in a form and language parents understand.
- ELAC meetings
- SSC meetings
- PTA general meeetings
- Newsletters
- Website updates
- Parent Compact
- School Messenger emails and robocalls
- Parent Education meetings
- All communication provided in English and Spanish
- Magnet Tenants
- School-wide rules and expectations in English and Spanish
FPM Non-Discriminatory Language
Education Equity
The Mt. Diablo Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation and harassment based on ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, actual or potential paternity, family, marital status or association with a person or group with one or more of these real or perceived characteristics. Questions, concerns or complaints regarding compliance with Title IX student affairs, communication with Title IX Compliance Officer, Chris Holleran, Assistant Superintendent of High School, in 1936 Carlotta Drive, Concord, CA 94519 Telephone (925) 682-8000 or email holleranc@mdusd.org . Questions, concerns or complaints regarding compliance with Title IX employee affairs, please contact the Executive Director of Personnel, Leyla Benson, in 1936 Carlotta Drive, Concord, CA 94519 Phone (925) 682-8000 or email bensonl @ mdusd.org . Questions, concerns or complaints regarding harassment, discrimination, intimidation (in English), please contact the Equity Compliance Officer , Jennifer Sachs, Executive Director of Educational Support in 1936 Carlotta Drive, Concord, CA 94519 Phone (925) 682 -8000 or email sachsj@mdusd.org .
Printable Copies (PDF Format)
Title 1 School-Level Parental Involvement Policy 2017-18 (English)
Title 1 School-Level Parental Involvement Policy 2017-18 (Spanish)